Monday, August 01, 2005

Hi. Yuki here. And yes, I'm not referring to my other aliases (or my full name) because I've grown tired of them. And I don't care if I'm infringing on any copyrights; for all I care, Natsuki Takaya stole from me!
Ingemar, Tomkyou and I have been absent for a while, I'll admit. Ingemar has a job now, and has been preoccupied with other projects (like his Furuba AMV--once he finds a way to upload it to Anime Music Videos, I highly suggest you watch it, even though I personally am a "Yukiru" fan rather than a "Kyoru" one).
Tomkyou ran away from home. I think that's the best thing he could have done for all of us. He didn't like it here and neither did Ingemar like him ruining the furniture. I, being a rat, obviously was not comfortable with him around.
I'll stay at Ingemar's. He's an odd fellow, but I like his solicitude. Plus he offers conversation more meaningful than "what up dude" or "REOOOOOOWR! You're gonna simmer in stomach acid, you damn rat!" (Sorry, I guess Tomkyou really grows on you). Tohru comes to visit often. I would move in with her, but her current lodging forbids pets, even small ones. Feh. I'm no "pet." I'm continent, if that is such a big fuss, and I even know how to use a toilet. Well, in my case, a toilet is a small Chef Boyardee can with that blue sanitary liquid inside. Oh well, one can always hope.