Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Tomkyou: Greetings to the ladies

REEOOOOOOWR! Hellooooo ladies! Welcome to my blog--yes, it's MY blog, and pay no heed to whatever that fat horse's ass of a Biology undergrad may say in contradiction. As you may or may not know (and if you know not, you will find out!), I am Tomkyou. Or just Kyou. But rarely Tom. One guy called me Tom and I shit on his loveseat and proceeded to claw my name onto his skull. And mark my territory. But enough about him, let's talk about me. Yes, I am Tomkyou, and no, I have absolutely nothing to do with a "Fruits Basket" character. Fruits Basket, really. What kind of flaming butt bandit would name a cartoon series Fruits Basket? But I guess I just answered my own question. RAAAAAWR!
Anyways, I, the loveable, cuddly cat man am available for belly rubs and nudges and general snuggle time any day of the week. Excpet when I'm sleeping, which is usually 17 hours a day. Which usually does not occur when Ingedork (the fool who claims that this is his blog) is doing his homework. During that time, I generally make it a point to defile his bedsheets. And shed all over his snackables. Anyway, I'm available any day of the week when I'm a wake, and am generally unavailable if you're a guy. Ladies only, please. I hate guys. They all try to horn in on my girls. And they're ugly. I WON'T HAVE ANY OF THAT!!! REEOOOOOOOWR!!!