Friday, April 15, 2005
Recollections (or) Tomkyou's first "girlfriend)

REEOOOOOOWR! I've been watching Fruits Basket while Ingledork was at school. This is not a review thread--although a scathing critique of that big gay supernova that collapses into big gay black hole of an anime may come one day. RAAAAWR!
Anyway, that Tohru girl (MEOW!) reminded me of another Tohru. Except her name was Tohru Adachi Wagner. As the name suggests, she's a little mutt. But a cute one. REOOOWR! Anyway, I can sum up the life of this girl in one picture:

She lived with her crazy German father. He was CRAAAAAZY! In fact, he was such an awful guy that Tohru's mother (who was Japanese) killed herself because of him. How do I know? Tohru told me. Which brings me to when I first met Tohru. It was evening during the full moon. For some reason, the full moon turns me into a full cat. Yeah, I know, that's pretty fucked up. Anyway, in my full cat form, I saw Tohru sitting in the bronwnstone in front of her home. She looked like she wanted to cry. But when she saw me, she smiled and held me and cuddled me. PRRRRRRR, remembering that time still makes me purr. I decided to stay over for the night. The next day, she freaked when she discovered that I am--well-- a cat man. But I put on the ALL TOMKYOU CHARM, and we chatted, and we laughed it off. I visited her on and off from then on, and we'd talk and play games and that shit. But sometimes she wasn't available. But, when she wasn't outside, I could hear the faint sound of crying and some unintelligible shit in German. I started to feel bad. One night when Tohru wasn't outside, the window to the bathroom was opened. Crazy ol' German dad was in the bath tub, passed out. Fortunately, the hair dryer was plugged into the wall. I'll let you piece the rest together.
Tohru is in a mental hospital right now. She's doing time for killing her dad. It's a good thing it's only the mental hospital and not the slammer. The insanity plea really worked; no one bought that I, an orange catman, put the sonofabitchin' Hun in Hell. But I still think it's fucked up that she has to suffer for the crimes for that walking pile of feces that dared call himself her father. God, Ingemar is a pussy compared to that guy! Dammit, I'll take the blame.
I hope you all can see now that even I have my soft side. Tohru, wherever you are, Tomkyou still loves you, baby. PRRRRRRR.