Friday, April 15, 2005

RAAAAAAWR!!! I bet you're all wondering this--"Considering Tomkyou's love for the ladies, does he also extend that love to *shudder* FEMINISTS?" This may come as a surprise for you guys, but yes, Tomkyou also loves the feminists. Why, you ask? We both share an intense hatred for male homo sapiens. Their goal is to socially emasculate guys, while mine is to take that one step further--physically emasculate guys, and put a bullet in their collective forehead. (Of course, they will have to do that for me, since, you know, no opposable thumbs and that junk).
But I must give pause. When I really think about it, maybe it's not so great to have a feminist lady to rub my belly and give me general cuddle time. First of all, many feminists I know don't like to be called "lady." They would rather be called that "Mizz" bullshit. "Mizz", really. Secondly, it looks like the reason they want to bring all men down is so that THEY can be men themselves. Gosh damn, they kill the beast just so they can be the beast themselves? Maybe instead of all that retarded Mizz crap, they can be called Mister instead, since they all want to be like men? Of course, if I said that to a feminist, she'd go all apeshit on me. And that's the third thing. They're all such fucking basket-cases. You can't call one Miss or Missus, or Mister, because they'll explode into a paroxysm of hatred and inanity. And you can't treat them GOOD like a lady because... well, they'll explode into a paroxysm of hatred and inanity. It's like disarming a complicated bomb. You know, treating a feminist right. And since I don't have opposable thumbs, I'll just leave that bomb disarming nonsense to the dogs. Oh yeah! Another point--since most feminists are enviro-nuts too, they probably won't accept the next point in my agenda right after killing all the males; that is, killing all members (regardless of sex) of canis lupus familiaris. God, why do people love those stupids bitches and sons thereof so much? But that is for another post. And finally, considering feminists apeshit behaviour and hatred towards maleness, would one grow to like me? I mean, I'm no human, but I've got the face of one--ahhhh, it probably could never be.
So, I guess I had to revise my answer a tad. So until next time, RAAAAAAAAAWR!