Thursday, April 14, 2005
Dot TK?

REEEOOOOWR! I bet all you hot ladies and fine girls are wondering whether there is a domain, ".tk" named after me. Well, to put it briefly, YES! YES THERE IS A DOMAIN NAMED AFTER ME BECAUSE I M TEH A\/\/350|\/|3zz0rs!!! *hackcoughwheeze* Sorry for the "leet" speak of the socially dead--I once met one of those computer geeks and called him gay and spit up some hairballs on his acne-scarred face. But I'm getting side tracked. Yes, ".tk" is named after the Tomkyou (in other words, ME)! Some people say it's named after Tokelau. Tokelau, really. I guess it was once upon a time named after that shithole island where the people suck so bad. But one day, the king or president or Captain Crunch or whoever woke me up from my nap because the island was oppressed by some "Rat King" demon. I, being my awesome self, done killed the rat demon and put his festering corpse in Ingemar's backpack for him to discover to his dismay, and my pleasure. Then I carved the words "FUCK YOU" on whoever that leader guy was that woke me up from my nap. You don't wake up a feline brutha like that, yo! Anyway, the ladies of the otherwise crappy island ladies honored me by renaming their FREE DOMAIN THINGY after me, rather than that failure country. And so it is that--
TOMKYOU! How dare you insult a nation like that! Ahem. For those of you in Tokelau, please don't pay heed to this stupid orange mutant. He talks big, but he's nothing but a stupid cat who--
REEOOOWR! Don't butt in, buttface--mouth--asshole! HSSSSSS!
*For the otherwise amused--the real owner and operator of this blog, Ingemar, holds no harsh feelings for the island or people of Tokelau.*