Saturday, April 16, 2005
Bad mood.

REEEEEEOOOOOWR! That damn mouse!...rat! Whatever. He's suppossed to be in my stomach but instead, he's somewhere else, doing God knows what. I can only imagine he's shacking up with lady rats in the sewers so he can create his unholy army of little rat bastards to piss me off. Well, I *am* a cat, so it's up to me to keep their miserable population in check. I'll probably have to call my buddies Maurice and Archibald t0--

Tomkyou, you can't keep your bladder in check, let alone my species' population. And another thing to which I must object! I am NOT some kind of loose rat that is driven by the survival instinct!... I like to think I'm much more sophisticated than that.
REEOOOWR! YOU AGAIN! For your information, "Labby," I pissed on Ingemoron's bedsheets DELIBERATELY. Argh, why am I even arguing with my dinner? *Lunges towards Labby, or Yuki, but hits the wall instead and passes out*
Oh, that silly feline. He really is barely continent, but tries to pass it off as malicious behaviour. Considering his ravings about my new caretaker, Ingemar, I'm sure there's a grain of truth to that. Anyway, I, Laboroyuki, prefer a female partner with whom I can mate with for life; marry, if you will. Well, I haven't met many girls in my lifetime, so if I happen to meet one of you splendid ladies, I will try not to screw things up. I'll treat you like a princess. I want someone who is kind, and who likes music like I do! Oh, and if I really must advertise myself.... I may be small, but I can move mountains... for love. Oh, and I'm very responsible! When I was held in the lab, I helped the Doctor manage his finances. I'm a one-woman rat; unlike Tomkyou who has the delusion of being some kind of harem-master. So, I may be going in over my little head, but, um... I hope we can talk about things some time. The weather, the environment--rat issues, classical music... oh, and I love fashion. But sadly, no fashion designers make coats with rats in mind, so at best I like to crawl up to people's coats and dresses (while they're not wearing them, of course!) just to feel the material. And I'm a clean man, yes! I take a bath with soap and water twice a day. Can love blossom between a woman and a ratman? Let's find out together.